Vías inéditas para la educación de los indígenas en el Guanajuato del siglo XVI





Indigenous education, official education, no official education


In this article is presented a research carried out on the indigenous education in the state of Guanajuato during the XVI century, corresponding to the ancient and viceroyalty epochs. For the ancient epoch, it is controversial to discuss about education of the peoples considered as “uneducated”; nevertheless this paper does not refers to education as a synonym of schooling, it does as a non-institutionalized intentional process. The late XVI century ends with the coming and the incipient actions of evangelization in the Great Chichimeca.  On the contrary, it is until the first decades of the XVII century when the evangelization and educational work started to leave tracks in order to allow the reconstruction of history o education related to that period. Due to the character of this research, instead of taking into consideration written sources, alternative sources have being taken, such as the oral tradition and the ceramic source, inside the social historiography approach. Finally it is concluded that further specific research reports are  needed, wich would contribute to the analysis of formal education roots in the state.

Author Biography

Cirila Cervera Delgado, Universidad de Guanajuato, México

Doctora  en Historia por la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Profesora de Tiempo Completo Titular “A” del Instituto de Investigaciones en Educación de la Universidad de Guanajuato. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. Cultiva las líneas de investigación Educación de Indígenas y Educación de Mujeres. Este artículo es resultado de la investigación realizada con el apoyo de Conacyt, según registro 144586



How to Cite

Cervera Delgado, C. (2007). Vías inéditas para la educación de los indígenas en el Guanajuato del siglo XVI. Memoria, Conocimiento Y utopía, 3(3), 9–30. https://doi.org/10.29351/mcyu.v3i3.504